
CEO, Specialist for Chemical Weapon Handling, Analysis and CBRN Defense

Dipl. Ing. Ing. Chem. Alfred Krippendorf Captain ret.

Studies at the military university in Löbau, service as platoon leader and company commander in the 5th Chemical Defense Battalion in Prenzlau, platoon leader and company commander of the laboratory unit in the 5th Detonometry and Reconnaisance Batallion in Prenzlau, Head of the Toxicological- and Radiological Squad at the chemical training ground and central storage facility of CWAs in Storkow, CBRN-Defense Officer of the 80th Pioneer Brigade from 1990-1992. Self-employed as HCG - Hazard Control GmbH CEO since 1995 with projects for CWM disposal in Germany, Japan, France and Russia.

Senior Specialist for Chemical Analysis and Detection

Valerij Nadein

Mr. Nadein has been working with Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and Chemical Warfare Materials (CWMs) for more than 10 years. His expertise include analytical chemistry, CWM handling and CBRN defense. Mr. Nadein is responsible for laboratory analyses, the calibration and dispatch of analytical instruments and the practical training of special forces.

Expert for Mass Spectrometry

Jan-Luca Stampf, MSc. MEng. PhD

Mr. Stampf studied chemistry, drug research, materials chemistry and pharmacology. His tasks include chemical weapon analyses and CBRN defense support.